Acne tendency

Tendance acnéique
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32.95 $

The first and very important step to get or maintain a healthy skin, this fresh and velvety cleansing foam will remove impurities and all traces of makeup. This non drying is the favorite of people struggling with acne problems, but it is suitable for all skin types, MEN, WOMEN and ADOLESCENT.You will appreciate the feeling of cleanliness and softness it provides.

60 ml travel size available.

24.49 $

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21.50 $

Second step, to get or maintain healthy skin, this antibacterial and astringent gel balances the pH of the skin and prepares to optimally absorb the serum nutrient.

Appreciatedby people struggling with acne problems.

Suitable forall skin types, MEN, WOMEN and ADOLESCENT.

Contraindicatedfor pregnant or lactating women.

19.99 $

35.79 $

48.50 $

Third step, to get a healthy skin, this serum is a real concentrate of repairing, purifying and balancing active ingredients, to be used on the areas affected by acne.

Suitable for all skin types, MEN, WOMEN and ADOLESCENT.

Contraindicatedfor pregnant or lactating women.

(1 comment)
24.50 $

Well appreciated by people with acne problems, this ultra concentrated complex is designed to be applied to pimples as soon as they appear.

Contraindicated for pregnant or lactating woman.

13.95 $

The firstand very important step to get or maintain a healthy skin, this fresh andvelvety cleansing foam will remove impurities and all traces of makeup. This non drying is the favorite of people struggling with acne problems, but it issuitable for all skin types, MEN, WOMEN and ADOLESCENT.

You will appreciate thefeeling of cleanliness and softness it provides.

Regular 150 ml size available.

46.50 $

Acne problems?
Just add water to this powder to enjoy a mask with powerful detoxifying and purifying powers.

Use up to3 times a week for optimal results.

Suitable for all skin types, MEN, WOMEN and TEENAGERS.